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A Big Nelly Podcast bringing Hardcore queerness to your iPod!

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Today, My Life begins...

Today,after staying up all night because of illegal substances and drinking and too much xbox, I have made the decision to propose to my boyfriend. I want to make him my husband more than anything in the world, and I feel that I owe him everything I am for standing by me through all the bad times and the good.

MJ has surpassed my expectations of what a man can be. He has sucked up his pride and stood by me and said that I was the best man in the world, when the world was spitting on me. MJ has smiled on my life when all I wanted too do was wake up and cry. MJ has made me feel beautiful every day when I felt as ugly as a toad. To say the least, MJ has changed my perspective on happiness.

I have found my one true love and on this day I want to make it permanent. MJ, I give you my body, my heart, and my soul if you will have it. I love you with all my heart and always will, I hope you will accept my wish to share your life with me.

Today, My Life begins...

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Ding! Dong! Your Livers Gone!

Fucked up shit!

Chinese Organ Hackers
Ding! Dong! Your Livers Gone!

Saturday, April 29, 2006


Oh bitch I am cummin on you hard. From a mention on The Krebs Cycle Podcast y'all bitches should know my gay ass is gettin lubed up good for y'all. I am ready to work that shit and I hope you are too. Love you babies! WORK IT!!!

PS. Look for a new show within the next 2 weeks. I plan on at least blogging every now and then to update on the status until then....


Friday, March 24, 2006


I have been having wierd dreams lately. I don't think they have been brought upon by drugs by I could be wrong. I dreamed I was making out with Oprah....yeah I know, talk about wierd. Am I supposed to have this wierd shit until I start back with my podcasting again.. I don' know.....

Friday, March 03, 2006

GHR Over and OUT!

Gayborhood Radio is being exhausted. It has been a tremendous experience for me to start podcasting at the begining of all this mess and to meet so many wonderfull people. I have learned more about myself and through my emails and voicemails and archived content, I feel so great knowing that I have enriched peoples lives.

At the height of GHR I made the iTunes top 100 list. One day I even beat out the FOX News podcast! This was and always will be a trophy to me.

Podcasting helped release a lot of pain and anger and emotion I had pent up for a long time. Through a lot of my earlier "diary entries" I had the opportunity to openly discuss the abuse I went through as a child to the whole world. This was such a soul cleansing to me and if I did nothing else, it was worth all the money I spent to tell the world everything about me.

I touched roughly an average of 1500-2000 people in my peak. Can you believe someone would want to listen to little old me. This is a wonderfull medium and I am so glad I could be arond for the "early times". I have made friends with people that are beyond compare and are some of the best humans on this earth.

I love you all. GHR is dead, but I don't plan to be gone forever.


PS. I got fired today from my job. I am so happy. My boss was such a dick. Never let someone tell you your not worth your weight in gold kiddos! smooches.....and kisses where it itches.

PSS. Hurt and stink.
GHR Over and OUT!

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Grammy's a waste of my brain.

Ok, I will have a show out soon that should shed light on my absense and answer some of the fucked up comments I have recieved because I have not done a show.

In the meantime, I wanted to say that these Grammy Awards SUCK PENGUIN ASS!!!!! All the performances seem to be by half assed artists, and even the ones I wanted to see end up sucking more than I did at the bathhouse when I was single.

Fuck these old bastards! If I see Bruce Springstein or The Rolling Stones worshiped one more time, I think I will hire a muslim extreamist or at least Donald Rumsfield to bomb the fuck out of this show.

What a waste of my life, put this shit on pap-per-view! I would rather watch Touched By An Angel and feel depressed that I don't accept a fat black bulimic angel with an British sidekick to save the existance of the human race.
Grammy's a waste of my brain.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

GHR #071 Bin MJ

Bin Ladens Tape, Greeting cards are stupid and the movie star you want to fuck the most on todays GHR!

GHR #071 Bin MJ

Saturday, January 14, 2006

GHR #070 Late Night Chattin

Marshal & MJ talk about random shit. Included in the conversation are: The Phantom of the Opera taking over broadway, Eminent Domain of Louisiana Housholds and Tyra Banks.

GHR #070 Late Night Chattin

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Top 100

Well gurlz, I made the iTunes Top 100 today. Thank you all for your dedication and support throughout the life of GHR so far. Number 65 baby! It ain't too shabby!

Everything I do.. I do it for you!
Top 100

Libsyn Evil

Well my babies I have to go back and republish all of my(our) shows that have not been published in the last 30 days to Libsyn.com standards. I realized that some of the feeds were incorrect and that is why my listenership was falling like Kate Moss after a bad coke binge.

I will correct as soon as possible so you can take advantage of my full retardation.

Love you all!

Libsyn Evil


Very exciting news from the Gayborhood Radio family. Cuntina Sparkles (and her pimp) will be doing a regular show every other week. This show will correspond with the Mamawana show every other week as well.

We are planning on Friday's or Saturdays for the rotating lineup.

More to follow.


P.S. Make sure you visit the site often so you will be added to our cluster map. We love our listeners more than anything else.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Choice of Cheese

I know this is retarded, but I have not been to Subway in so long and was so surprised and happy when I realized I get a choice of cheese!

My choices were as follows:

Pepper Jack

I think thats all of them. This made my day and life so much better! Yes darlings, I went with the pepper jack.

Choice of Cheese

Saturday, January 07, 2006

GHR #069 Rock the Taco!

A Musical adventure from work to Taco Bell.

GHR #069 Rock the Taco!

Thursday, January 05, 2006

GHR #068 Randashit

RANDOM shit! I am retarded and drunk. This is my retardedness at its best.. don't say I didn't want you! Thanks to Andy from Rainbow Podsquad and Twinkleboi for thier participation in this episode.

GHR #068 Randashit

AWESOME CONCEPT! Just your voice!

I encourage all my listeners who have basic knowlage of recording themselves in MP3 format or if you can call a phone number to cuntribute to www.justyourvoice.com .

This is an awesome website/podcast without a host that does shows on whatever you cuntribute.

Love and blowjobs!

AWESOME CONCEPT! Just your voice!

Monday, January 02, 2006

Chicago protest against Bush!

Redistributed from Madge Weinstein and Qpodder.org:

We have learned that George W. Bush will be speaking at the Chicago Hilton & Towers, 720 S. Michigan Avenue, on Friday, January 6th. We plan on protesting there beginning @ 11 AM, but are providing the full info we have so that people can plan whatever creative protests they choose.

In typically cowardly fashion, Bush will be speaking before a hand-picked audience -- only members of the elite Economic Club of Chicago and selected guests will be allowed the "privilege" of paying $125 to hear W in the Hilton's International Ballroom.

Members of the Club are being told to show up at 10 am, presumably for security clearance. Doors of the Ballroom open at 11 am, with a luncheon at noon.

We invite you to join the Gay Liberation Network, Chicago Area CodePINK, HammerHard Media Works and other individuals and organizations to PROTEST against the President:

11 AM
Friday, January 6th
Chicago Hilton & Towers
720 S. Michigan Avenue, Chicago

Gay Liberation Network / LGBTliberation@aol.com / www.GayLiberation.org / 773.209.1187
Chicago protest against Bush!

GHR #067 Ice Ice Gaybies!

Meth in the news and a bloated show to stir your ass muscles. Love it and listen!

GHR #067 Ice Ice Gaybies!

Thursday, December 29, 2005

GHR #066 Post Xmas Expulsion

MJ and Marshal have a chitty chat about the Xmas Drama and why the show has been sparatic....again. HO HO HO... the BIG BIG O!

I also say fuck a lot.

GHR #066 Post Xmas Expulsion

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Next Week

I fully expect the show to be up and running again next week. With MJ's injury, my injury, and the constant fighting and almost loss of my relationship, I needed to take extra time to ensure the things that I valued most in my life were sustained.

To the asshole who wanted this update, I hope you feel like an insensitive prick. I don't have to explain my life or what is going on in them to anyone. My fans know that I love them. I appreciate your concern, but peppering your commentary with vulgarities ( one letter ones at that, probably because you can fucking spell) is rude. Why do you have to post anonymous? Why did it take you this long to respond only to come accross as a condesending cocksucker? Why not send an email. Your such a prick. Unsubscribe.


Everyone else.. I love you and thank you with all my heart!

Next Week

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

GHR #065 My boyfriend speaks...and blogs!

YES ITS TRUE! My boyfriend finally joins me on this show, and talks about his new blog! Yes its short but take what you can get... he fucking spoke for gods sake!


GHR #065 My boyfriend speaks...and blogs!

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Voicemail Retardation

Thank you to Jimmy McBean for pointing out my incorrect voicemail number the new number is posted on the right hand column.


Sorry for the confusion

Voicemail Retardation

Monday, November 28, 2005

GHR #064 The bitch is back(pain)

Marshal has some "splanin" to do. Hot music from Delphinium Blue and The Killer Kona Buds.


Check out My boyfriends blog!

My boyfriends blog: Random Thoughts by MJ
GHR #064 The bitch is back(pain)

Thursday, November 24, 2005

It's the....day after turkey day, the day after turkey dayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Ok. here I sit, bloated, farting. . .ah yes I must be digesting Thanksgiving Dinner. On that note, I wish luck to all of the other retail queens out there on this "Black Friday." Today after work I'm going to see if Best Buy still has the TV I want. Its a steal this holiday weekend. Wish me luck.

If you dont work retail then you are most likely off unless you work in the food business or something. If you are reading this---then listen to my show bitch. If you already did, thank you.

I almost was going to go try to get that TV at 5am when the store opens but I found the sale is through noon Saturday so I have time. There are 4 Best Buys near me so there's a chance it might still be available Friday evening. I was not about to go out and wait in line at 2am and freeze to death. Those "Early Bird" people are insane! You've seen em on the 10 o'clock news, they storm the doors and stomp over things and fight over shit with people. Usually its people fighting over the latest Elmo toy for their spoiled little toddler brat. the new elmo toy is one in which you can program the doll to say your kids name. I have the right mind to get one and program something really dirty in it!

Either way, good luck working or, happy shopping, or happy sleeping, or happy waking up with a trick from Roscoes.
It's the....day after turkey day, the day after turkey dayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

GHR #063 The Thanksgiving Show

It's Jason's show as he talks about (or offends) Virgins, Bald People, Chat Room faux paus, and last but not least, Thanksgiving.

GHR #063 The Thanksgiving Show

Monday, November 21, 2005

GHR #062 Buldging Music Mix Show

Marshal spins some chilled out tunes while laying on his back with his buldging disc.


Featured Artists:

Fluox speeLT Fluox: "Tedeebedibbedib"
Farewell Jane: "Irony"
George Fletcher-Bourbon Renewal: "Dangerous Things"
Amplifico: "All Your Sins"
(Commercial)Peeper Radio Theater: "Peeper Brand Powdered Meat"
Tom Waits for Epitaph: "Alice"
Any December: "Typical Love"

All artists played on Gayborhood Radio are from The Podsafe Music Network
GHR #062 Buldging Music Mix Show


Hey babies!

I went to the doctor this morning and found out I have a "bulging" disc
in my back. Needless to say I can't do much that requires me getting

I will have some portable casts and music casts out to you ASAP. Sorry
to my fans that hate the portable casts...I don't really have a choice
right now.

Love you all,



Sunday, November 20, 2005

Sleepy Sammie

Due to being really fucking tired, I regret to say I have no show for
monday morning. I promise I will make it up to you.

Sleepy Sammie

Saturday, November 19, 2005


Usually I would not be up this late, but I have been freaking out!
Remember my show (Skittling Worldwide) when I talked about kids taking
Robotussin and "getting high"? Well my babies, I took some tonight
before bed and I wake up every 15 minutes or so because I am having the
most FUCKED UP dreams of my life! Do not take this shit before bed! I am
also drooling everywhere. DXM is fucked up!



Friday, November 18, 2005

GHR #061 Do wiperblades fart?

Mamawana to the max!Mamawana strikes back. Great PodSafe music from Josh Woodward and Matthew Ebel.


Featured Music:

Josh Woodward: "IOU"
Josh Woodward[dot]com

Matthew Ebel: "Wasting my time","All I want is You"
Matthew Ebel on PodSafe Music Network
GHR #061 Do wiperblades fart?

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

GHR #60 I've Got Mail

Jason's lazy ass opens up his (tiny) mailbag... and we turn the big 6-0!!!

GHR #60 I've Got Mail

GHR#059 WTF! Marshal kissed a GIRL?!

Marshal and Ms. Mamawana discuss "women questions" and Marshals first girl experience. A MUST HEAR!


Songs featured:

From Us: "Forgotten Nerds"
DJ Black Adam: "Tossing Dice"

All songs featured on Gayborhood Radio are "PodSafe", from The PodSafe Music Network
GHR#059 WTF! Marshal kissed a GIRL?!

Monday, November 14, 2005

GHR #058 Everyone knows its Dildo!

Hold on to your panties, its the Tuesday mix show! See Gayborhoodradio.com for the complete list of artists.


Featured Artists (in order):

Luis Claudio: "Meu Segredo"
Brother Love: "Push"
*Listner Submission! (Thanks Dan!)*
Groove Generator: "Sunshine"
Anji Bee: "Love me Leave Me"
Elliott Smith for Epitaph: "Memory Lane"
3 Blind Mice: "Your Face is Not Enough"

All music on our Tuesday Mix Shows feature music from The PodSafe Music Network
GHR #058 Everyone knows its Dildo!

New Music Tuesday

Madonna - Confessions on a Dance Floor (as if you didn't know) is out today. I've had it for some time now and its a must download if you are a red blooded fag. Or a lesbian into dance music. Or a metro sexual. If you hate Madonna, there are some good remixes of Nine Inch Nails or Cher I'm sure. The new madonna album is love it or hate it.

Carrie Underwood - some Hearts. HOLY SHIT THIS IS AMAZING. I know she was the "idol" but damn this is a good album and I was pleasantly surprised when I first heard it last week. The first song for the country markets is "Jesus Take the Wheel" and they are crossing over with a release of the album's title track "Some Hearts" for pop outlets. You better pick this album up and Madonnas, or at the very least get Carrie's album if your broke ass only has 9.99 for iTunes. Again this album may be love it or hate it as I know there are "idol haters" out there. but to each his own.

you know you want these albums you music slutttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt!

I will talk more about the music on my Thursday show if I damn well feel like it.

New Music Tuesday

GHR #057 Turtle Soup!

Turtle Coffee, Listener Voicemail and Fingering Soda Fun! Plus the Gayborhood Radio Sex Tip of the Day!

GHR #057 Turtle Soup!

Friday, November 11, 2005

GHR #056 Kitty pan playtime!

One big lazy kitty litter pan cleaning shit filled show!

GHR #056 Kitty pan playtime!

Thursday, November 10, 2005


Ok so the hippie fuck site is down again! I found out because one of my valuable listeners called me and told me that none of my shows will download. Thanks you shit for brains assholes! Then they have the fucking audacity to post this on the homepage:

We are experiencing unusually heavy traffic. Try again later.

HMMMM.. isn't heavy traffic a good thing? Eat shit and die!


Wednesday, November 09, 2005

GHR #55 Absolutely Nothing

Another show about...nothing. Jason talks about his day, shopping at Target, and a little bit about his background. It's a short show so he can go watch TV before bed.

GHR #55 Absolutely Nothing

GHR #054 A Cornholing we will go!

Another Threesome! Hot and bothered with audio,Marshals scary encounter, Desperate housewifes drama and more burping then you can shake a dick at!


MikeyPod on the Bayou
GHR #054 A Cornholing we will go!

Sunday, November 06, 2005

GHR #053 Fiercesome Threesome

A Funny Threesome with AJ from the Higherthings Radio Show! Highlights include : Gay Pride, Jasons input, and a Str8 Acting Quiz! What did Marshal score...tune in and find out!


Rainbow PodSquad Homepage
GHR #053 Fiercesome Threesome

Friday, November 04, 2005

GHR #052 iBitch

I am angry and fierce and an asshole.. oh hell, I am just an iBitch!


JHymn (fuck iTunes Software)
GHR #052 iBitch