GHR #053 Fiercesome Threesome
A Funny Threesome with AJ from the Higherthings Radio Show! Highlights include : Gay Pride, Jasons input, and a Str8 Acting Quiz! What did Marshal score...tune in and find out!
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hey there guys...great show! Wow, that was freakin long tho..hehe. I'm surprised the ADD didn't kick in more severe, Marshal, especially at the end with the long ass quiz.
I took the same quiz and got a 6, so I'm just a little past the middle. That's what I get for giving advice to the girls at work...heh.
Oh and I totally agree on the gay pride comments. I had heard them in a show a while ago, but I think it needs to be said. Equality is great, being able to express yourself is great, but in this day and age people's perception of you and us gays as a group is what drives their feelings towards us. And the image of a bunch of floppy wristed gays, with dildo's and leather is hardly something that encourages them to support us.
I had loads of fun on the show!
Keep Up the Good Work!
And it was nice to finally talk to the little hottie...Jason!
Love Ya Long Time
"HigherThings Radio & Queerspresso"
-The Rainbow Podsquad-
Hey, Marshal, I hear what you say about gay pride, and I agree that there is a game that needs to be played in politicking. Yet I think the gay community should take ownership of our parades and not self-censor for the sake of pleasing heteronormativity just because mainstream media decides to gawk at and broadcast our week of celebration. There will be some visually extreme people, and then there will be more run of the mill participants in the parade. Seeing this diversity is more accurate; projecting a universally prim and proper image would be disingenuous. Besides, I think the people who are wearing pink spandex aren't the same as the folks going to City Hall or Capitol Hill to fight for civil rights. I'm glad there are the extremes out there who are strutting their stuff and expressing themselves so that I don't have to. Those extreme paraders are allegories for gay men who are femme and can't help but express themselves that way; they deserve rights and to be treated with respect nonetheless. They are allegories of expression for you too, for when you put a gayborhood radio bumper sticker on your car and deserve to have an unvandalized car nonetheless. Anyway, just being a devil's advocate. For my own M.O. of espression, I would never go in drag or even put a rainbow sticker on my car, but when I lived in New York I enjoyed holding my ex's hand in public and then getting into a shouting match with a straight religious zealot who took offense at our PDA.
-Peter in San Francisco
Ditto to what Peter in San Francisco said about gay pride. You have to celebrate the diversity of the queers. It's not one "community".
As far as gay marriage it's not about sappy weddings, it is about rights. It's equal marriage what we want. We are also fighting individual battles for every right that marriage provides, but if we have marriage then that makes things easier for us. If straights have civil marriage so should we. If they/we want to call it something else then that's fine as long as it applies to all, so that straight people have civil unions too.
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