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A Big Nelly Podcast bringing Hardcore queerness to your iPod!

Saturday, January 14, 2006

GHR #070 Late Night Chattin

Marshal & MJ talk about random shit. Included in the conversation are: The Phantom of the Opera taking over broadway, Eminent Domain of Louisiana Housholds and Tyra Banks.

GHR #070 Late Night Chattin


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my god you two are so cute, especially blogging. I hope you guys continue to do more shows like this one. The randomness works well.


12:47 AM  
Blogger Marcel said...

Happy 26th birthday Marshal. On the road to 30.

A comment on the last show. I took offense, not as an Asian, but as a person, that you would use a slur on the show that doesn't apply to you. And that makes you a fucking asshole. If you were Asian it would be alright to say chink, but you're not. It's like when breeders say faggot. It can be demeaning and it's just insulting. I've been called a spic and a faggot and it pisses me off.

And, as an aside, Alito is white. I believe he's Italian, since he is Roman Catholic. Yeah, probably not good for gay rights. Or womyns rights. The fact that you didn't know about him being a nominee for the supreme court made you look real ignorant, and using that slur didn't help with that image.

Your boyfriend doesn't seem random to me. I like his contributions to the show.

And, where is Jason? He's a cutie. I know you don't get paid for this shit so I can't demand that he comes back; but it would be nice to have him back on the show.

Marshal, I like the music you play, and your common sense, and your ranting. I wish you have a pleasant 27th year of life, which starts today, now that you have completed 26 years.

4:17 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks babe!

Oh the rest of it is just gay anger. I am retarded and this is entertainment. Lighten up!


12:12 AM  

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