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A Big Nelly Podcast bringing Hardcore queerness to your iPod!

Thursday, October 27, 2005

GHR #046 Fuck Chicago/Fuck Hate!

The title speaks for itself. Love to all my devoted listeners.

GHR #046 Fuck Chicago/Fuck Hate!


Blogger Alden said...

Dear Marshal,

Just breathe...Just close your eyes and breathe.


12:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Marshal, I understand what you're going through hun. It's hard, I understand. Everything will be all right soon enough. As long as we stand together, we can all make it through things like this. But we can't give them the satisfaction thinking they've won, cause they haven't and they won't. Think about how African Americans have achieved their rights in society. We're doing the same thing. Finally, we WILL get most to understand and stand strong with us. We have to break through the invisible barrier that people think separate us from others. I know a few people who are still racist and it pisses me off. Just remember, Karma loves you and she bites back hard.

Shawn B.

3:10 PM  
Blogger Kiko said...


Sorry to hear what happened. Honestly, I don't think it was the sticker. Was probably just some drunk assholes that got caught up with the Sox winning and unfortunatly took it out on your car.

The Chicago PD? Well that's a whole nother story, honey. I have friends and family on the Chicago PD and they're just assholes by nature and they fuck with anyone regardless of sexual orientation or race.

Something similar happend to me a few years ago when I was visiting friends in Chicago near North and Wells. My car was broken into and the only thing the fuckers took was a pair of Panama Jack sunglasses sitting on the dashboard. They left the $200 in the glovebox and all my cds. Go figure.

Anyway, I had to drive my ass back to Naperville in the middle of winter with no window and my ass sitting on broken glass.

Was I pissed? Hell yeah! But guess what? My insurance paid for it and I got through it. It was a blessing in disguise becasue I ended up buying a new car two weeks later. :)

Anyway, see if you can get Jason to swing by your pad and move your car so the city doesn't tow it. Call your insurance company and tell them to go get the car, tow it to the repair shop and get it fixed.

Wish I could do more for ya'.

It'll get better, I promise.

Kiko of Visitronix Radio

5:58 PM  
Blogger Jae Kay said...

Thinking of you.


Jae x

11:17 AM  

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