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A Big Nelly Podcast bringing Hardcore queerness to your iPod!

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

LOA Update! Blacktress?

So, Madge played my "rant" on her show for Monday which is also simulcast on Sirius Radio . I was thrilled at the playing and of the rant and plugging of my show, even though she called me a wonderful black man...? This is a continuing joke between Madge and I from when I appeared on Eat This Hot Show .

Anyways, I will have a Wednesday show up, but it will not be until later in the day. Sorry for any inconvienence this may cause to you, my faithful listeners:-( I love all of you, and I thank you for your patience with me while I am on my "vacation". This has been a wonderful thing for my mind and body. I have finally had time to calm down and rest. The only thing that is preventing me from having the show up in the morning is the fact that I have to go to a "hotspot" and wifi in to the network to ftp my show to Libsyn.

Enough rambling for now.

Love you much!

LOA Update! Blacktress?


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